Content is king. You need great content. That is a given.
But even though you write great content, you may not see the results that you want.
You need to find the queen!
Suppose You Gave A Great Post And Nobody Came?
You’ve been there. I’ve been there. You spend hours crafting an article for your blog. You slave over the headline, tweaking it to make it just right. You select a perfect image for it.
But no one comes.
Well, maybe they do come, but they don’t bother to stick around.
Content alone isn’t enough. Which leads to an important question:
If content is king, is structure the queen? (click here to tweet)
What About Post Structure?
Derek Halpern at Social Triggers seems to have a handle on it. He’s created this infographic to show you (and me) what the perfect post should look like.
I’ve been doing pretty good on the top half (at least I think so). But I’m not that consistent with the rest of it.
Like this? Get more marketing tips from Social Triggers.
I’m particularly intrigued by the Emotional Connection (see how I did that in this post 8=) and Soundbite (Call to Action 1).
And I really have to work at getting the 2nd Call to Action for my posts.
So here goes — a blatant call to action! Leave me a comment. What impact has post structure had on your blog? Do you think this structure makes sense? Do you think this post follows the structure effectively?
And sign up for the newsletter to keep up with new posts.
Hello Lone Wolf,
I don’t know who you are but, you have a great website and some pretty good advise, otherwise I would not bother to reply.
I am a newbe at IM and I just started a website which is still in it’s infancy and not completed or moneticed.
I connected to your site via wpgoldmine.
Please keep me informed of any different and creative ways you discover to drive traffic to your site.
Again, I love your website.
Good Luck,
chris recently posted…There is no success or failure, just results
Welcome Chris. Thanks for the props. Good luck with the site — I’ll need it in a few years 8=)
I hope that you’ll learn along with me as I go through this journey. My aim is to build a solid network of sites with great content and honest marketing. It gets frustrating at times when you just don’t see the results that you’d like, but I plan to stick with it and keep learning.
I hope that you’ll do the same!
Bill (LoneWolf) Nickerson recently posted…Battling Comment Spam — Moderating Comments
OK, Looking forward to your updates.
In the meantime have fun being creative.
I’ve found my most creative ideas by asking:
Why not…….a bag instead of a box,….why not, why not?
Why not try?? What is the penalty for not trying?
Why not now?
What if it does work?
Thanks for your email
chris recently posted…There is no success or failure, just results
Perfect time to create an anatomy of a perfect post in my blog then.